Vault of Archavon, 22. März 2023 18:08
Kämpfe 26
Emalon the Storm Watcher (Vers. 1) 00:01:10
Emalon the Storm Watcher (Vers. 2) 40% P0, 00:02:22
Emalon the Storm Watcher (Vers. 3) 87% P0, 00:01:07
Emalon the Storm Watcher (Vers. 4) 60% P0, 00:01:47
Emalon the Storm Watcher (Vers. 5) 00:05:56
Flame Leviathan (Vers. 1) 55% P0, 00:02:46
Flame Leviathan (Vers. 2) 64% P0, 00:02:43
Flame Leviathan (Vers. 3) 45% P0, 00:02:41
Flame Leviathan (Vers. 4) 63% P0, 00:02:43
Teilnehmer 9
Items 2
Käufer | Name | Itempool | Droprate | Wert |
Durlag | Deadly Gladiator's Leather Legguards | T8 | 0 % | 0 |
Motop | Valorous Siegebreaker Legguards | T8 | 0 % | 0 |
Klassenverteilung | Loot-Verteilung |
Klasse | Prozent | Teilnehmer |
Paladin | Durlag, Feria | |
Priester | Elunemaid | |
Magier | Gven | |
Druide | Karolina, Lapri, Oriant | |
Schamane | Lycia | |
Todesritter | Nitar |