class 6
Level 80, Priester
Kawaii Heffalumps
Kawaii Heffalumps
Thekal (PvP)

DKP Information

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Kontoname Erhalten Ausgegeben Aktuell Raids (30 Tage) Raids (60 Tage) Raids (90 Tage) Raids (Lebenszeit)
T8 390 300 90 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 79% (59/75)
... 1 Einträge gefunden


Datum Name Notiz Wert
28.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12/14 +8HM: Levi, XT, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimi, Vezax 0
22.04.23 Ulduar Ulduar10 11-13/14 +3HM: Mimi, Vez, Yogg+1 0
21.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 1-10/14 +6HM: Levi, XT, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya 0
14.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 1-7/14 +3HM: Levi, XT, Freya in 9ppl 0
09.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 8-13/14 +6HM: Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimi, Vezax, Yogg+1 0
08.04.23 Ulduar 25ppl 12/14 +1HM: Levi. 0
05.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 1-7/14 +3HM (Levi, XT, IC) 0
05.04.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 13ppl 0
02.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 13/14 +9HM 0
26.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 13/14 +9HM 0
25.03.23 Ulduar 25ppl 13/14 with randoms 0
21.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12-13/14 +2HM: Vezax, Yogg+1 0
19.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 11/13 +6HM: Levi, XT, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya 0
18.03.23 Ulduar 25ppl 13/14 with randoms 0
15.03.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 13ppl with randoms 0
15.03.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl with twinks 0
12.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 13/14 +8HM: XT, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimi, Vezax, Yogg+1 0
11.03.23 Ulduar 25ppl with randoms 0
09.03.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl with pugs 0
09.03.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
04.03.23 Ulduar 25ppl 12/14 with pugs 0
03.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 7+13/14 +6HM: Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimiron, Vezax, Yogg+1 0
01.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 6/14 +2HM: XT, IC 0
01.03.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
01.03.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 14ppl 0
27.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl Yogg+1 0
26.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12/14 +6HM: XT, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Vezax 0
25.02.23 Ulduar 25ppl with pugs 0
22.02.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl in 8ppl 0
22.02.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 15ppl 0
19.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl Yogg-Saron +1 light!!! 0
18.02.23 Ulduar 25ppl with randoms 1-11/14 0
16.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl HM's: XT, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, IC, Mimi, Vezax. 0
13.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl 0
12.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12/14 +6HM: XT-002, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Vezax 0
11.02.23 Ulduar 25ppl with few pugs 0
06.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl Yogg-Saron 0
05.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl with 2 PUGs 0
04.02.23 Ulduar 25ppl in 18-21ppl 0
29.01.23 Ulduar 10ppl 0
28.01.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12/14 (2HM) 190
28.01.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
28.01.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 17ppl 0
22.01.23 Ulduar 10ppl 40
21.01.23 Ulduar 10ppl 160
14.01.23 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
14.01.23 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
24.12.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
24.12.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
24.12.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 11ppl 0
24.12.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
24.12.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
17.12.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
17.12.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
17.12.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 12ppl 0
17.12.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
17.12.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
10.12.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 12ppl 0
10.12.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
10.12.22 The Eye of Eternity 8ppl 0
10.12.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
10.12.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
03.12.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
03.12.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
03.12.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 11ppl 0
03.12.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
26.11.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
26.11.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
26.11.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
26.11.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 13ppl 0
26.11.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
19.11.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
19.11.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
19.11.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
19.11.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 12ppl 0
19.11.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
15.11.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
13.11.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl in 8ppl 0
13.11.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl in 9ppl 0
13.11.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 11ppl 0
... 80 Einträge gefunden


Datum Käufer Name Raid Itempool Wert
21.01.23 Naarumaid icon Archivum Data Disc Ulduar T8 100
21.01.23 Naarumaid icon Lady Maye's Sapphire Ring Ulduar T8 100
28.01.23 Naarumaid icon Handwraps of Resonance Ulduar T8 100
26.02.23 Naarumaid icon Igniter Rod Ulduar T8 0
26.02.23 Naarumaid icon Petrified Ivy Sprig Ulduar T8 0
26.02.23 Naarumaid icon Pattern: Sash of Ancient Power Ulduar T8 0
26.02.23 Naarumaid icon Pillar of Fortitude Ulduar T8 0
26.02.23 Naarumaid icon Static Charge Handwraps Ulduar T8 0
01.03.23 Naarumaid icon Conqueror's Handwraps of Sanctification Vault of Archavon T8 0
04.03.23 Naarumaid icon Pattern: Savior's Slippers Ulduar T8 0
19.11.22 Naarumaid icon Helm of the Lost Conqueror Naxxramas default 0
22.02.23 Naarumaid icon Valorous Gloves of Sanctification Vault of Archavon T8 0
18.03.23 Naarumaid icon Pattern: Cord of the White Dawn Ulduar T8 0
18.03.23 Naarumaid icon Scale of Fates Ulduar T8 0
19.03.23 Naarumaid icon Spark of Hope Ulduar T8 0
26.03.23 Naarumaid icon Watchful Eye of Fate Ulduar T8 0
02.04.23 Naarumaid icon Nurturing Touch Ulduar T8 0
05.04.23 Naarumaid icon Emerald Signet Ring Ulduar T8 0
09.04.23 Naarumaid icon Icecore Staff Ulduar T8 0
21.04.23 Naarumaid icon Pattern: Savior's Slippers Ulduar T8 0
22.02.23 Naarumaid icon Deadly Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings Vault of Archavon T8 0
13.02.23 Naarumaid icon Devotion Ulduar T8 0
16.02.23 Naarumaid icon Raiments of the Corrupted Ulduar T8 0
17.12.22 Naarumaid icon Deadly Gladiator's Satin Robe Vault of Archavon default 0
19.11.22 Naarumaid icon Gloves of the Lost Conqueror The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
26.11.22 Naarumaid icon The Soulblade Naxxramas default 0
26.11.22 Naarumaid icon Greatstaff of the Nexus The Eye of Eternity default 0
26.11.22 Naarumaid icon Circle of Arcane Streams The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
26.11.22 Naarumaid icon Dragon Hide Bag The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
03.12.22 Naarumaid icon Necklace of the Glittering Chamber The Eye of Eternity default 0
17.12.22 Naarumaid icon Satchel of Spoils The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
19.11.22 Naarumaid icon Ice Spire Scepter The Eye of Eternity default 0
22.01.23 Naarumaid icon Vestments of the Piercing Light Ulduar T8 0
28.01.23 Naarumaid icon Conqueror's Leggings of Sanctification Vault of Archavon T8 0
04.02.23 Naarumaid icon Mantle of Wavering Calm Ulduar T8 0
04.02.23 Naarumaid icon Raiments of the Iron Council Ulduar T8 0
11.02.23 Naarumaid icon Pattern: Savior's Slippers Ulduar T8 0
11.02.23 Naarumaid icon Shroud of Alteration Ulduar T8 0
11.02.23 Naarumaid icon Pattern: Cord of the White Dawn Ulduar T8 0
21.04.23 Naarumaid icon Elemental Focus Stone Ulduar T8 0
... 40 Einträge gefunden

Individuelle Korrektur-Historie

Datum Grund Wert
Keine Einträge gefunden...
... 0 Einträge gefunden
Icon Ereignis Raids (Lebenszeit)
eventicon38 Око вечности
0.00% (0/3)
eventicon18 Wrath of the Lich King
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon37 Ulduar
89.00% (34/38)
eventicon36 The Obsidian Sanctum
64.00% (7/11)
eventicon35 Vault of Archavon
68.00% (25/37)
eventicon23 Wrath of the Lich King
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon34 Naxxramas
64.00% (7/11)
eventicon33 The Eye of Eternity
78.00% (7/9)
eventicon28 Wrath of the Lich King
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon17 Крепость Бурь
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon15 Кривой Клык: Змеиное святилище
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon32 Mists of Pandaria
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon22 Mists of Pandaria
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon27 Mists of Pandaria
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon10 Логово Магтеридона
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon7 Каражан
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon9 Логово Груула
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon31 Classic
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon21 Classic
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon26 Classic
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon29 Cataclysm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon24 Cataclysm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon19 Cataclysm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon20 Burning Crusade
0.00% (0/0)
... 24 Einträge gefunden
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