Naxxramas, 14. January 2023 17:16
Fights 66
Patchwerk (Try 1) 00:02:21
Grobbulus (Try 1) 00:01:48
Gluth (Try 1) 00:01:42
Thaddius (Try 1) 00:03:02
Anub'Rekhan (Try 1) 00:01:16
Grand Widow Faerlina (Try 1) 00:01:09
Maexxna (Try 1) 00:01:28
Noth the Plaguebringer (Try 1) 00:01:24
Heigan the Unclean (Try 1) 00:02:33
Loatheb (Try 1) 00:03:07
Instructor Razuvious (Try 1) 00:01:48
Gothik the Harvester (Try 1) 00:04:54
The Four Horsemen (Try 1) 00:02:15
Sapphiron (Try 1) 00:02:31
Kel'Thuzad (Try 1) 00:03:07
Malygos (Try 1) 00:07:01
Sartharion (Try 1) 00:04:42
Archavon the Stone Watcher (Try 1) 00:01:34
Archavon the Stone Watcher (Try 2) 5% P0, 00:05:15
Archavon the Stone Watcher (Try 3) 00:04:51
Attendees 10
Items 32
Class Distribution | Loot Distribution |
Class Distribution
Class | Percent | Attendees |
Priest | Atlika, Naarumaid | |
Paladin | Durlag, Neptunia | |
Death Knight | Emö | |
Druid | Lapri, Liannon, Pansartasken | |
Shaman | Polesha, Zvennys |