Vault of Archavon, 17. December 2022 19:20
Fights 67
Anub'Rekhan (Try 1) 00:01:23
Grand Widow Faerlina (Try 1) 00:01:16
Maexxna (Try 1) 00:01:40
Patchwerk (Try 1) 00:02:46
Grobbulus (Try 1) 00:01:55
Gluth (Try 1) 00:01:53
Thaddius (Try 1) 00:03:34
Noth the Plaguebringer (Try 1) 00:02:50
Heigan the Unclean (Try 1) 00:02:26
Loatheb (Try 1) 00:03:25
Instructor Razuvious (Try 1) 00:01:59
Gothik the Harvester (Try 1) 00:05:08
The Four Horsemen (Try 1) 00:02:24
Sapphiron (Try 1) 00:03:08
Kel'Thuzad (Try 1) 0% P0, 00:03:43
Kel'Thuzad (Try 2) 00:04:20
Archavon the Stone Watcher (Try 1) 00:01:03
Archavon the Stone Watcher (Try 2) 00:04:08
Sartharion (Try 1) 00:05:35
Malygos (Try 1) 00:07:40
Attendees 12
Items 4
Buyer | Name | Itempool | Droprate | Value |
Rhuain | Valorous Cryptstalker Legguards | default | 0 % | 0 |
Nitar | Valorous Scourgeborne Legplates | default | 0 % | 0 |
Naarumaid | Deadly Gladiator's Satin Robe | default | 0 % | 0 |
Durlag | Deadly Gladiator's Felweave Raiment | default | 0 % | 0 |
Class Distribution | Loot Distribution |
Class Distribution
Class | Percent | Attendees |
Warrior | Bweh | |
Paladin | Coccamamie, Durlag, Ghöul, Turisaz | |
Mage | Melorna | |
Priest | Naarumaid | |
Death Knight | Nitar, Pepehype | |
Shaman | Polesha, Shofer | |
Hunter | Rhuain |