• Пятница, 14. Март 2025 23:55
class 8
Уровень 80, Шаман
Kawaii Heffalumps

DKP Информация

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Название группы локаций Заработано Потрачено Текущее значение Рейдов (за 30 дней) Рейдов (за 60 дней) Рейдов (за 90 дней) Рейдов (за всё время)
T8 390 200 190 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 68% (50/73)
... записей найдено: 1

История участия в рейдах

Дата Название Примечание Значение
19.11.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
19.11.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 12ppl 0
19.11.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
19.11.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
19.11.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
26.11.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
26.11.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 13ppl 0
26.11.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
26.11.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
26.11.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
03.12.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
03.12.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 11ppl 0
03.12.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
03.12.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
03.12.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
10.12.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
10.12.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
10.12.22 The Eye of Eternity 8ppl 0
10.12.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
10.12.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 12ppl 0
17.12.22 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
17.12.22 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
17.12.22 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 12ppl 0
17.12.22 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
17.12.22 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
14.01.23 Naxxramas 10ppl 0
14.01.23 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl 0
14.01.23 The Obsidian Sanctum +2D 10ppl 0
14.01.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
14.01.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 11ppl 0
21.01.23 Ulduar 10ppl 160
22.01.23 Ulduar 10ppl 40
28.01.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 17ppl 0
28.01.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
28.01.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12/14 (2HM) 190
29.01.23 Ulduar 10ppl 0
01.02.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 15ppl 0
01.02.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
04.02.23 Ulduar 25ppl in 18-21ppl 0
05.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl with 2 PUGs 0
06.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl Yogg-Saron 0
08.02.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 18ppl 0
08.02.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl in 8ppl 0
08.02.23 Naxxramas 10ppl in 8ppl 0
08.02.23 The Eye of Eternity 10ppl in 8ppl 0
11.02.23 Ulduar 25ppl with few pugs 0
12.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12/14 +6HM: XT-002, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Vezax 0
13.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl 0
16.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl HM's: XT, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, IC, Mimi, Vezax. 0
18.02.23 Ulduar 25ppl with randoms 1-11/14 0
19.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl Yogg-Saron +1 light!!! 0
27.02.23 Ulduar 10ppl Yogg+1 0
01.03.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 14ppl 0
01.03.23 Vault of Archavon 10ppl 0
01.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 6/14 +2HM: XT, IC 0
03.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 7+13/14 +6HM: Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimiron, Vezax, Yogg+1 0
18.03.23 Ulduar 25ppl 13/14 with randoms 0
19.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 11/13 +6HM: Levi, XT, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya 0
21.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12-13/14 +2HM: Vezax, Yogg+1 0
22.03.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 13ppl 0
26.03.23 Ulduar 10ppl 13/14 +9HM 0
02.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 13/14 +9HM 0
05.04.23 Vault of Archavon 25ppl in 13ppl 0
05.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 1-7/14 +3HM (Levi, XT, IC) 0
08.04.23 Ulduar 25ppl 12/14 +1HM: Levi. 0
09.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 8-13/14 +6HM: Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimi, Vezax, Yogg+1 0
14.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 1-7/14 +3HM: Levi, XT, Freya in 9ppl 0
21.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 1-10/14 +6HM: Levi, XT, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya 0
22.04.23 Ulduar Ulduar10 11-13/14 +3HM: Mimi, Vez, Yogg+1 0
28.04.23 Ulduar 10ppl 12/14 +8HM: Levi, XT, IC, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimi, Vezax 0
... записей найдено: 70

История покупки предметов

Дата Покупатель Название Рейд Группа предметов Стоимость
28.04.23 Polesha icon Pulse Baton Ulduar T8 0
01.03.23 Polesha icon Band of Draconic Guile Ulduar T8 0
11.02.23 Polesha icon Pattern: Blue Belt of Chaos Ulduar T8 0
12.02.23 Polesha icon Breastplate of the Stoneshaper Ulduar T8 0
12.02.23 Polesha icon Mjolnir Runestone Ulduar T8 0
12.02.23 Polesha icon Spaulders of the Wayward Protector Ulduar T8 0
12.02.23 Polesha icon Gloves of Whispering Winds Ulduar T8 0
16.02.23 Polesha icon Pattern: Footpads of Silence Ulduar T8 0
16.02.23 Polesha icon Helm of the Wayward Protector Ulduar T8 0
18.02.23 Polesha icon Helm of the Furnace Master Ulduar T8 0
18.02.23 Polesha icon Flamewrought Cinch Ulduar T8 0
03.03.23 Polesha icon Pattern: Lightning Grounded Boots Ulduar T8 0
05.02.23 Polesha icon Choker of the Abyss Ulduar T8 0
19.03.23 Polesha icon Mantle of Fiery Vengeance Ulduar T8 0
26.03.23 Polesha icon Drape of the Spellweaver Ulduar T8 0
26.03.23 Polesha icon Seed of Budding Carnage Ulduar T8 0
02.04.23 Polesha icon Pulsing Spellshield Ulduar T8 0
02.04.23 Polesha icon Drape of the Faceless General Ulduar T8 0
02.04.23 Polesha icon Pattern: Belt of Arctic Life Ulduar T8 0
05.04.23 Polesha icon Pattern: Footpads of Silence Ulduar T8 0
08.04.23 Polesha icon Legplates of the Wayward Protector Ulduar T8 0
22.04.23 Polesha icon Caress of Insanity Ulduar T8 0
06.02.23 Polesha icon Kingsbane Ulduar T8 0
05.02.23 Polesha icon Leggings of the Wayward Protector Ulduar T8 0
28.01.23 Polesha icon Deadly Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets Vault of Archavon T8 0
28.01.23 Polesha icon Shadowbite Ulduar T8 0
05.02.23 Polesha icon Stormtip Ulduar T8 0
28.01.23 Polesha icon Deadly Gladiator's Waistguard of Salvation Vault of Archavon T8 0
28.01.23 Polesha icon Pattern: Boots of Living Scale Ulduar T8 0
28.01.23 Polesha icon Pyrite Infuser Ulduar T8 100
28.01.23 Polesha icon Archivum Data Disc Ulduar T8 100
29.01.23 Polesha icon Leggings of the Insatiable Ulduar T8 0
01.02.23 Polesha icon Conqueror's Worldbreaker Grips Vault of Archavon T8 0
01.02.23 Polesha icon Valorous Worldbreaker Kilt Vault of Archavon T8 0
05.02.23 Polesha icon The Masticator Ulduar T8 0
10.12.22 Polesha icon Satchel of Spoils The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
19.11.22 Polesha icon Kel'Thuzad's Reach Naxxramas default 0
19.11.22 Polesha icon Sabatons of Firmament The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
26.11.22 Polesha icon Gloves of the Lost Protector The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
03.12.22 Polesha icon Hateful Gladiator's Linked Leggings Vault of Archavon default 0
10.12.22 Polesha icon Dragon Hide Bag The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
19.11.22 Polesha icon Cloak of the Dying Naxxramas default 0
10.12.22 Polesha icon Gloves of the Lost Protector The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
10.12.22 Polesha icon Footsteps of Malygos The Eye of Eternity default 0
14.01.23 Polesha icon Chestguard of Flagrant Prowess The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
14.01.23 Polesha icon Gloves of the Lost Protector The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
14.01.23 Polesha icon Crimson Steel The Obsidian Sanctum default 0
08.02.23 Polesha icon Voice of Reason Naxxramas default 0
19.11.22 Polesha icon Deadly Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings Vault of Archavon default 0
... записей найдено: 49

История индивидуальных изменений

Дата Причина Значение
... записей найдено: 0
Иконка Событие Рейдов (за всё время)
eventicon38 Око вечности
0.00% (0/3)
eventicon18 Wrath of the Lich King
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon37 Ulduar
74.00% (28/38)
eventicon36 The Obsidian Sanctum
60.00% (6/10)
eventicon35 Vault of Archavon
63.00% (22/35)
eventicon23 Wrath of the Lich King
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon34 Naxxramas
64.00% (7/11)
eventicon33 The Eye of Eternity
88.00% (7/8)
eventicon28 Wrath of the Lich King
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon17 Крепость Бурь
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon15 Кривой Клык: Змеиное святилище
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon32 Mists of Pandaria
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon22 Mists of Pandaria
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon27 Mists of Pandaria
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon10 Логово Магтеридона
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon7 Каражан
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon9 Логово Груула
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon31 Classic
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon21 Classic
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon26 Classic
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon29 Cataclysm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon24 Cataclysm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon19 Cataclysm
0.00% (0/0)
eventicon20 Burning Crusade
0.00% (0/0)
... записей найдено: 24
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